Senior Preparatory Weekly Memo
15 January 2025
Dear Parents
So many people have said it... 2025 is the year to THRIVE! I am delighted to be commencing my new role as principal of the Senior Preparatory. I am looking forward to getting to know each child and journey with each of you in the next step of your child's education this year.
Last week I had the privilege of completing a 3 day journey in Courageous Leadership. Here is some of the wisdom from Dr Brene Brown. She quotes Joseph Campbell: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek" Dr Brene Brown concludes her book Dare to Lead with the following:
"Own the fear, find the cave, and write a new ending for yourself, for the people you're meant to serve and support, and for your culture. Choose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armour. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time."
I am looking forward to having many conversations with you over the coming months as we choose courage over comfort in Reaching Outwards, Growing Minds and Building Futures.
I remind you of our open door policy. Please reach out to your child's teacher, grade head, or any of the members of our management team if you have any concerns. All of our contact details can be found under the 2025 staffing tab.
In today's memo you will find all the information you will need for the first week back.
On your marks... get set... go...
2024 Matric Results
We congratulate on our matriculants of 2024 on an outstanding set of results. They can all be incredibly proud of their achievements and we celebrate with them.
Parent Information Afternoon
Please join us on Thursday 16 January from 16h00 - 16h45 for important information pertaining to your child's new grade in 2025. All grade 6 parents to meet in the Hall. Grade 4 and 5 parents please go to your child's teacher's classroom.
Note that this meeting is not for your child to attend.
Stationery Collection
If you have ordered your child's Walton's stationery kit and indicated that collection is at Parklands College, this is a reminder that collection is on Thursday 16 January 2025 from 2pm - 4pm from the Senior Preparatory Faculty Art Room, 50 Wood Drive.
Daily Start and End Times
School starts every day at 07:45. Please make sure your child is at school and has unpacked their bag by 07:40 ready to start their day. The school day ends at 14:30.
Important Dates
2025 Requirements
Please refer to the 2025 requirements tab for important information about 2025 iPad, textbook and stationery requirements. Please ensure that your child's device is configured according to the school's requirements for the start of school on Monday.
Co-Curricular Programme
We're looking forward to starting our co-curricular programme on Monday, 27 January.
Please complete the Q1 Co-curricular Sign Up Form for all Sport, Drama, Design and Junior Chefs, for each child you have enrolled in the Preparatory Faculty. The Dance and Music forms are included separately (see culture below).
Sport will commence on Monday 27 January (see the above Q1 Co-curricular Sign Up Form).
We encourage learners to participate in more than one sporting code/activity. Please refer to the timetable below and select activities carefully as there may be clashes because match days are determined by the various Sports Associations.
Please ensure that learners participating in outdoor activities have sunblock in their bags for application. ALL learners MUST wear their school caps when outdoors. NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Where practices and matches are affected by inclement weather, learners will be involved in indoor training sessions from 14h45 – 15h45.
Parents must collect learners after their session. If a parent is late and unable to collect on time, learners will be sent to aftercare and parents billed.
From a young age we are teaching the children about the importance of commitment and sportsmanship, and we encourage them to commit to their teams and attend all practices. Please inform the class teacher if your child is unable to attend an activity.
Individual Music Lessons
We invite parents of all current individual music learners as well as those wishing to commence individual lessons in 2025 to please complete the following enrolment form: SP Individual Music ,We require a new form to be completed annually. We will endeavour to ensure that your child is placed with the same teacher as in 2024. Lessons will commence from 27 January onwards. Your music teacher will contact you regarding your time slot.
The Dance Department offers the following genres Ballet, Modern and Tap classes at the JP and SP Faculties. The syllabus in preparation for RAD and ISTD examinations is followed, as well as preparation for Medal Tests and Eisteddfod performances. Please contact Sylvia Stander should you have any further queries.
Sign up form for Dance: 2025 Dance form
The dance teachers have created a Parklands College Dance Google Site, which parents can access to see the latest news, pictures and find general information - Dance Google Site
Senior Preparatory Choir
Learners are invited to audition for the Senior Preparatory Choir. An opportunity will be given to learners to audition during class music or they can submit a video by filling in the form
21-27 Jan: Auditions for all Grade 4-6 learners who are currently not in choir
Tues 28 Jan: Auditionees will be informed of their acceptance into the choir.
Wed 29 Jan: First rehearsal for all existing and new choristers. All Choristers are required to bring their iPads along for this first rehearsal
SP Orchestra
Take your musical talent to the next level by joining the Senior Orchestra! Designed for advanced young musicians, this orchestra provides an inspiring platform to refine your skills, perform exciting repertoire, and collaborate with like-minded peers. Sign up today and take the first step toward becoming part of a vibrant and supportive group by filling in the co-curricular form. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our orchestra teacher Mrs Marelize Zeeman ( Lessons will commence on Monday, 27 January.
Grade 4-6 Marimba
All marimba auditions will take place during class music from 21-27 January. Communication regarding auditions will be sent between 28 and 31 January. We kindly request all parents to respond promptly to ensure that none of our learners miss the first lesson.
Lessons commence as follows:
Grade 4&5: Tuesday, 4 February
Grade 6: Friday, 7 February
Holiday Cricket Clinic
Our budding cricketers got off to a great start with a two day holiday clinic hosted by our Sports Department. It was wonderful to have our learners back on our fields.
Grade 4 Save the Date
That is what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instil hope again and again. Walt Disney
Books and stories can enrich your life immeasurably. This is a gift we encourage every child to pursue, and therefore we celebrate books at every opportunity. One such occasion is our lovely tradition of inviting learners to donate a Birthday Book of their choice, which then finds its place in one of the libraries for everyone to share. Learners present these books at an Assembly which is a memorable occasion to treasure.
Summer Quarter: 20 January - 28 March
Autumn Quarter: 08 April - 25 June
*Mid-term break: 29 April - 2 May
Winter Quarter: 22 July - 23 September
Spring Quarter: 14 October - 05 December
Parent Learner Directory
Please read through the Parent and Learner Directory, which includes important information about Parklands College and the Senior Preparatory learners.

Parent Business Directory
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
This week's feature business is...
We look forward to welcoming back our learners on Monday 20 January. A special welcome to the new learners and families joining us this quarter.
We look forward to chatting to our Parents at the Parent Information Afternoon tomorrow, Thursday 16 January at 16:00.
Our next blog will be sent on Friday 24 January 2025.
Paul Mayers
Senior Preparatory Principal
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