Senior Preparatory Weekly Memo
4 December 2024
Good morning Senior Preparatory learners, parents, staff and special guests.
Today, I address you one last time as principal of the Senior Preparatory. It is a time to reflect on the journey we’ve walked together, and to welcome the next chapter in the senior preparatory story with the arrival of Mr. Mayers. I know he will bring his passion to this role, and I have every confidence that he will lead you with integrity, warmth, and care.
I have used the following quote from Holly Branson many times before:
“Just imagine how different the world would be if we all spoke to everyone with respect and kindness.”
Grade 4 &5’s if you remember anything about me, remember our assemblies and discussions, Remember the values of our Growing Minds and that kindness is something we should always strive for.
Grade 6s, as you prepare to step into Grade 7, I cannot help but think back to 2019, when we began this journey together in Grade 1. Watching you grow over these years has been a great privilege. You’ve transformed from wide-eyed little ones to confident, capable leaders of the Preparatory Faculty.
Throughout your journey, the school has given you opportunities to grow in academics, sport, and culture. Given you tools to help you thrive.
In today’s world, which can often seem complex and challenging, I urge you to stand with conviction for courage and kindness. You have the opportunity to make a difference, and the choices you make will determine the impact you leave behind.
Mrs Steyn, we have laid a solid foundation ready for your faculty to build upon. Grade 6s, you are now embarking on the next phase of your journey that will begin to shape who you are. As the future leaders, innovators, and change makers, your potential is boundless. Make choices that leave a positive legacy—one you can look back on with pride.
Mrs Steyn and I look forward to sharing that journey with you.
To our educators, thank you for standing strong and sharing in our values. For guiding the learners in your care to think differently, for giving them the space to grow and for encouraging them to have a voice . Thank you for your dedication to their well being.
Thank you parents for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping the minds and hearts of your children. Together, we can look forward to a future where they find their purpose and make us proud.
Thank you to our team of staff who never share the spotlight but without them an event like today and many others would never happen. Thank you to our Admin team, our finance team, our support and grounds team and our IT team. Without your support I don’t think we would have such amazing shows and events.
Lorraine Roth, our Founder and managing director, thank you for always looking ahead and steering us in a direction that remains cutting edge, innovative and relevant for our children and their futures. Thank you for these magnificent facilities and endless opportunities for our children. Thank you for your mentorship, guidance and support in my journey over the years.
And finally I have always said that nothing is done in isolation, it takes a team so thank you to Ms Kotze, who we all know is really in charge of me, Ms Drawbridge, Mrs Oxley-Simpson, Mrs Buckle, Mrs Crouse, Mr Margetts and Mrs Lamb, who have all been a part of my team and incredible journey with me. Thank you team Awesome for sharing the tears, the laughter and the tea!
Thank you.
Lee-ann Steynberg
Principal: Senior Preparatory ❣️
2025 Requirements
Please refer to the 2025 requirements tab for important information. 2025 Grade 7 learners will find information about their camp in the first quarter.
Extra Mural News
JP and SP Dance Enrolment 2025
The Dance Department offers the following genres Ballet, Modern and Tap classes at the JP and SP Faculties. The syllabus in preparation for RAD and ISTD examinations is followed, as well as preparation for Medal Tests and Eisteddfod performances.
Please contact Sylvia Stander should you have any further queries.
Sign up form for Dance: 2025 Dance form
The dance teachers have created a Parklands College Dance Google Site, which parents can access to see the latest news, pictures and find general information.
Sports News
Thank you to the parents who attended our Sports Parent evening. It was wonderful to see your support and chatting to you after the event. Please see included a summary of the slides shown on the evening.

Parent Business Directory
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
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