
School and Leisure Contact Details


Cape Town Enquiries

Tel: (021) 914 0495 ,extension 341 :Gabeebah Petersen

Online Enquiries

Tel: (011) 431 0406 ,extension 323: Sophy Phakathi

Email: online@schoolandleisure.co.za


Shop 84B, N1 City Mall,Louwtjie Rothman street

Goodwood, Cape Town

Tel: (021) 205 1951

Email: goodwood@schoolandleisure.co.za

Trading Hours:

Monday- Friday 08:30 to 18:00

Sat: 8:30-16:00

Sun: 9:00-13:00

School Uniform - School and Leasure



To make things easier, School and Leisure offers online ordering, where you can register an account and purchase your uniforms with ease and convenience.  School and Leisure will also deliver your order to the College free of charge.





School and Leisure prioritizes quality; however, if you find any issues, they will work to rectify the problem immediately.  Your feedback is always appreciated and parents are encouraged to contact Craig Basson at School and Leisure directly, at craig@schoolandleisure.co.za.  If you do not receive a timely response or resolution, follow up with the Craig to ensure your issue is being addressed.





Stock control will be closely monitored to keep all uniform requirements available wherever possible.  Craig is available to assist with any queries regarding quality and size. Additionally, Head Office (021 2051951) is also available should you require assistance.


Please note that some items of clothing may be more costly, as a few of the College garments are unique and the fabric is specially manufactured and imported specifically for the uniform, for example, the Blazer.  The tracksuit is made from a superior fabric to ensure durability.


Remember to use your Loyalty Card when purchasing in-store.


Thank you to parents who bring uniform matters to our attention as it is only through open communication that we can address and resolve these issues promptly.


The Parklands College uniform can be purchased at School and Leisure at the following locations:

Website: https://www.schoolandleisure.co.za/pages/parklands-college



In order to affirm our unique image, the College blazer from Grade 1 - 12 has changed.  Current parents will have until the start of the Academic Year 2026, to replace the existing light blue blazer with the new royal blue, striped blazer.  This fabric is unique to our College, and therefore distinguishes our learners from other schools who are wearing the same colour as our current blazer. 


All new learners joining the College are required to wear the striped blazer.


Parents are reminded that our blazers are an important part of the uniform which sets us apart from other schools.  We therefore request that parents be particular about the condition of a blazer and if it is either faded or too small, it must be replaced.


Please note that our tracksuits have been designed as an "all-weather tracksuit" to be worn all year round. Our learners are welcome to wear thermal vests and long johns under their tracksuits in cooler weather

Lost Property

Parents are welcome to come in to reception to view lost property items. Items not labeled will be in lost property and donated to the second hand shop at the end of each quarter.