Senior Preparatory Weekly Memo
1 November 2024
2025 Grade 7 Invite for parents and learners
Grade 4 - 6 Growing Minds Celebration
Dear Parents
We are preparing for our formal assessments, which begin next week. Please read through the academic information tab on assessment regulations. It is important that learners arrive on time (07:45) to start their assessments calmly and on time.
We are also looking forward to hosting our growing Minds Celebrations in December. Please remember to RSVP to Mrs. Kotze.
Grade 6 Monitors
Our Grade 6 Monitors did an amazing job hosting the assembly this week! Miss Prinsloo is incredibly proud of their confidence and leadership. Well done to these young leaders!
Class Placements
It is impossible for the school to accommodate all class requests, approximately 50 different requests in each grade, and it would be unfair to allow some parents to make requests and not others. An example of these requests would be:
Johnny's mom has asked for him to be with his best friend Mark, however, Mark's mom has asked that they are not placed together. Mark's mom would like him with Peter and Paul, however, Paul's mom would like him to be with Johnny and not Mark. Peter wrote on his friendship slip he would like to be with Johnny, however, Peter's mother does not want him with Johnny or Mark. All with an added request that we don’t tell the other parents.
Should a parent make a request for placement as shown in the above example, we will need to share the request with the other parent in order to avoid unfair parent conflict with the teacher. Unfortunately, parents can sometimes be aggressive and rude to teachers when their requests are not met even though this could be due to many conflicting requests.
With this in mind, we ask that you trust the teachers’ ability to place your child in the most suitable class. Class placements are a mammoth task and many hours are spent deliberating over the most suitable combinations for the learners.
We trust that you will support our decision, as it is based on our professional evaluation of each learner within their learning environment. We promise to do our very best to ensure each child is placed in a class in which they will thrive.
Extra Mural News
SP Individual Music sign up
We invite parents of all current individual music learners as well as those wishing to commence individual lessons in 2025 to please complete the following enrollment form: SP Individual Music
We require a new form to be completed annually. A form for Ensembles, including Marimba, Choir, and Orchestra, will be shared at the start of 2025.
We will endeavour to ensure that your child is placed with the same teacher as in 2024, but we can only finalise a time slot at the start of 2025.
Grade 6 Fashion Show
The fabric is cut, the t-shirts are painted, papier-mâché is drying and scripts are being written - Fashion Show Fever is filling the Culture rooms.
Sports Announcements
Notes and Reminders:
Please contact the Sports Department should you wish to sign your children up for Quarter 4 sport.
Liam Maharage
Nadine Marais-Swart
Jared MargettsPhysical Education
Swimming is back! Please pack in Parklands swimming costumes / swimming Cap / towel and sunblock. Whilst we are still playing it by
ear, we’ll make a decision on the day regarding swimming for PE.
Parklands Inter Schools Gala: 8 Nov ‘24
Venue: Parklands Senior Preparatory

Program of Events
Sport Practices and Matches in the week of 11-15 November 2024
Please see below for sport practices and matches in the week of 11-15 November:
No Gr 4-6 Softball practices or matches in the week of 11 - 15 November
No Gr 4-6 Cricket practices or matches in the week of 11 - 15 November
No Gr 4 - 6 tennis practices or matches in the week of 11 - 15 November
No Gr 4-6 Water Polo practices or matches in the week of 11 - 15 November
No Squad Swimming practices or galas in the week of 11 - 15 November
Dance, Junior Chefs, Drama Society, Design Society, Chess and Golf will continue during the week of 11 - 15 November.
Marimba, Choir and Orchestra lessons will continue, however, will end slightly earlier in the morning during the week of 11 - 15 November.

Sports Results
Congratulations to Benjamin Fourie, who competed in the 43rd Freda Barnard Invitational Gala in Oudtshoorn from October 17 to 20, 2024.
Benjamins results:
Gold: Boys 200m Medley Relay
Silver: Mixed 200m Free Relay
Bronze: Mixed 200m Medley Relay
Sport Fixtures
Please look at the Calendar and Events tab for the Sports Calendar.
Sport Uniform Requirements
Boys Hockey: College Hockey shirt (same as soccer), College PE shorts, Long blue sports socks, trainers, shin pads, gum guard and hockey stick.
External Achievements: District, Regional & Provincial Sports Achievements
The External Achievements form must be utilised by parents of learners who have been selected to represent an official Regional, District and Provincial team outside School. This document serves as a communication tool between the parents and the School to record a child’s External Regional, District and Provincial selections and achievements.
Please note that only District, Regional or Provincial selections and achievements will be recognised on stage at the weekly assemblies, as well displayed in the weekly School Blog.
We will keep record of learners’ external achievements for recognition purposes at the end of the year. The form must also be submitted along with an official letter from the respective sports body confirming your child’s selection or achievement.
Please also submit a high-resolution photo with your child wearing his or her District, Regional or Provincial uniform.
Learners will only be recognised once all documentation has been received
Please only submit this form if your child has been selected for an official District, Regional or Provincial team.
Cultural acknowledgements will be recognised for exceptional achievements in external examinations, Eisteddfods and theatrical productions.
This form, along with the supporting sports or culture documentation must be emailed latest Tuesday afternoon to be recognised in the Friday’s assembly and Blog. External achievements communicated after Tuesday will be recognised at the next week’s assembly and Blog. For any other cultural achievements, the class teacher must be emailed with the details.
Link for External Achievements
Please note that the cut off date for external achievements to appear in the magazine 2024 is 31 August 2024.
Any entries after that date will appear in 2025.
Library News
Over many years the Dork Diaries series has been the girls’ answer to Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Nikki Maxwell draws, doodles and documents her life in her diary and it is unashamedly all about girls - BFF’s, crushes and all the day-to-day stuff that girls adore. The 16th book, Sister Showdown, has been welcomed with cheers, hugs and happy enthusiasm.
Brynn and Ewan started off the week’s birthdays on Monday and presented two intriguing magic mystery novels by the wonderful Ben Miller at the assembly.
Benjamin is another super reader and brought the first book in the Wings of Fire series, as well as Wilbur Smith’s marvellous Cloudburst.
Last but not least, Layla brought a glittery Sugarlump and the Unicorn. What a feast! Thank you so much, and happy birthday to all of you!
Learner News
Congratulations to Lara Roux who will be performing for the Home Theatre in November. Please see below for details of the show she will be performing in and how to purchase tickets to support her.
Cirque Extravaganza Through Time
Step into a mesmerizing journey with Cirque Extravaganza Through Time, where the past, present and future collide in a spectacular display of human artistry and athleticism. This enchanting show features breathtaking trapeze acts, graceful aerial silks, and the captivating elegance of lyra performances. Watch in awe as jugglers defy gravity and acrobats perform feats of incredible strength and flexibility. Each act is a tribute to the timeless wonder of the circus, blending tradition with innovation to create an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages. Join us for a night where time stands still, and the magic of the circus comes alive!
Saturday, 23 November at the Homecoming Center (previously Fugard Theatre).
Show times 12pm, 4pm, and 8pm.
Tickets available at Quicket:
Discount: 25% off.
Promocode: Showtime23.
Offer valid for first 50 tickets bought (valid until 8 November 2024)
Parent News
Social Media: The Dangers and the Law
Parent Business Directory
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
This week's feature business is...