Senior Preparatory Weekly Memo
30 August 2024
Home 30 August 2024
Dear Parents
A BIG thank you to our Enrichment teachers for a wonderful "Takeover" day yesterday. It is wonderful to see our Senior Prep learners engaging and caring for the Junior Prep learners in these sessions.
Hope that this weekend is a warmer one and we look forward to seeing you at our North vs South festival next week.
A reminder that school closes on Friday 13 September at 13:00. There is no aftercare on the day.
Late Collection Fee
We have had an increase of learners being collected late, please be aware that learners not collected on time will be billed R50 within the first 30 minutes of being late. A reminder of our times as set out in the Parent and Learner Directory pg 24: The College doors open at 07:30 for the Preparatory Faculty. Admin opens at 07:30. Aftercare ends at 17:00 daily. Please ensure that learners are collected timeously. The campus is locked promptly at 17:00.
Please check the times stated in the blog for collection after extra murals and sport.
Extra Mural News
Sports Announcements
Pre-Season Training for Quarter 4: 1st Sep ‘24
Exciting news!
Starting 1 September 2024, we'll be transitioning to our pre-season sports for Quarter 4. This change will give learners a head start in preparing for the new season as we wind down our Winter sports.
For this quarter only, cricket will take over from soccer, and softball will replace netball, while the Quarter 3 timetable remains the same. Learners should continue with their general extra murals for the remainder of Quarter 3.
Soccer -> Cricket (Cricket will be played in the Soccer time slots within Quarter 3). Learners may also use this opportunity to try out cricket if they have not played before.
Netball -> Softball (Softball will be played in the Netball time slots within Quarter 3) Learners may also use this opportunity to try out softball if they have not played before.
U/11-U/12 Rugby will continue as we prepare for the Camps Bay 7’s on 6 September 2024.
NB U/11 Netball will continue as we prepare for Regional Playoffs.
Girls’ & Boys’ Hockey will come to an end at the end of August ‘24.
Any queries, please email Coach Jared,
Quarter 4 Sign-ups are back!
Please click on the link and sign your Child(ren) up for Quarter 4 Summer sport 2024.
Quarter 4 sign up sheet
A reminder of our North vs South Festival on 7 September.
Sports Article

Sports Results

Sport Fixtures
Please look at the Calendar and Events tab for the Sports Calendar.
Sport Uniform Requirements
Boys Hockey: College Hockey shirt (same as soccer), College PE shorts, Long blue sports socks, trainers, shin pads, gum guard and hockey stick.
External Achievements: District, Regional & Provincial Sports Achievements
The External Achievements form must be utilised by parents of learners who have been selected to represent an official Regional, District and Provincial team outside School. This document serves as a communication tool between the parents and the School to record a child’s External Regional, District and Provincial selections and achievements.
Please note that only District, Regional or Provincial selections and achievements will be recognised on stage at the weekly assemblies, as well displayed in the weekly School Blog.
We will keep record of learners’ external achievements for recognition purposes at the end of the year. The form must also be submitted along with an official letter from the respective sports body confirming your child’s selection or achievement.
Please also submit a high-resolution photo with your child wearing his or her District, Regional or Provincial uniform.
Learners will only be recognised once all documentation has been received
Please only submit this form if your child has been selected for an official District, Regional or Provincial team.
Cultural acknowledgements will be recognised for exceptional achievements in external examinations, Eisteddfods and theatrical productions.
This form, along with the supporting sports or culture documentation must be emailed latest Tuesday afternoon to be recognised in the Friday’s assembly and Blog. External achievements communicated after Tuesday will be recognised at the next week’s assembly and Blog. For any other cultural achievements, the class teacher must be emailed with the details.
Link for External Achievements
Please note that the cut off date for external achievements to appear in the magazine 2024 is 31 August 2024.
Any entries after that date will appear in 2025.
Learner External Achievements
Library News
This week birthday wishes are extended to Tanishq, Casey-Lee and Sophia, and we are looking forward to reading their interesting Birthday Books. Tanishq brought Ice Planet Adventure from the popular Geronimo Stilton series. From the Babysitters Series, Casey-Lee is donating Karen’s School Trip which is a great story about a class trip to the zoo. Sophia is sharing an intriguing fantasy, complete with moving castle and a scary wizard. What a treat! Thank you so much for these lovely book
The enterprising Wickham family tried an unusual experiment in which an old book was crystallised. The end result was quite spectacular and it will now reside in our libraries for the children to admire and be inspired too. You are welcome to pop in and admire it up close.
What a memorable experience our Grade 1 - 4 learners had this week when they met a charming border collie who now also is a book character! Sandi and two of her pups live an adventurous life exploring the False Bay ocean with their owners, Monique and Chris Fallows, who have been involved in eco-tourism and research for the past twenty five years. The new book documenting the dogs’ interaction with sea animals in this region, also includes fascinating information on the ecosystem and explains it in a way that children can understand. We saw amazing videos that are actually included in the book through QR codes and can be accessed through scanning with their iPads.
Parent Business Directory
Parklands College and Christopher Robin Pre-Primary parents who are in business are able to list their businesses in our Parent Business Directory –
LISTINGS ARE FREE and include contact information as well as the opportunity to include a business logo or advert. Listings are available 24/7 on the College website and will be updated each quarter.
Should you be interested in marketing your business to over 1000 families, email: to get started.
All listings will be subject to the College’s final approval.
This week's feature business is...